It may be that between the hangover of ‘El juego del squid’, a record and an extraordinary achievement for the platform, and a month of September with ‘La casa de papel’, ‘The Witcher’ and ‘Cobra Kai’, there will be a sensation that lately Netflix is ​​not so on everyone’s lips. But it’s just a feeling, and it’s difficult to maintain that level of releases. However, this 2022, successful series such as ‘We are dead’, ‘Archivo 81’ and the Spanish ‘Feria’ have already been added, in addition to the end of fictions as acclaimed as ‘Ozark’ or the return of ‘Los Bridgertons’ with their season 2.

In short, Netflix continues to be that site where the worst thing that can happen to us is to get lost in its catalog until the time we had to watch something runs out. The second worst thing that can happen to us is that we find one of its series and, guided by the platform’s satisfyingly insane habit of releasing all the episodes of a season in one go, we swallow it whole and without rest. Netflix, which gives its information with droppers, usually says that it is normal for a user to see three chapters in a row. If that is the average and surely there are orderly and responsible people who see one or two and leave it, we are left with the deduction that there are many who see more than three. Of those, it gives us that there are not a few who do not stop until they see the 8 or 10 episodes of each season at once.

 But here we are to talk about marathons, and although there are several candidates on these lists, this time We have selected 10 very recent releases on the platform, whether debuting series, miniseries, or established fictions that come back with more force every year, which will make us thank the big red N for its habit of launching each season at once. These are the 15 most addictive recent series to hit Netflix recently.


Ozark (S4P2) – April 29

Along with ‘Mindhunter’, ‘Ozark’ is and was one of the most acclaimed series on Netflix, one of those adult, gray and mature fictions that seems to have gone to the wrong place and should live on HBO. Be that as it may, Netflix has decided that season 4 will be its end, and it has ended in style.

Heartstopper (T1) – April 22

For many, the best Netflix series of the year already has a name. ‘Heartstopper’ did not take more than a few hours after the premiere of its first season to be exalted, both for its treatment of LGTBIQ+ relationships in adolescence and for the charisma and charm of its characters. Something like the light version of ‘Euphoria’.


Russian doll (T2) – April 20

It may be that the stroke of originality that was the time loop of the first season is no longer going to catch us so by surprise. However, this series of time travel lengthens and becomes more complicated in a second installment that is more, although neither better nor worse, than its predecessor.


The Bridgertons (T2) – March 25

Season 2 of ‘The Bridgertons’ has confirmed that Netflix has a new flagship. The second season has focused on the characters of Simone Ashley and Jonathan Bailey, but the result is still the same, love affairs, passion, gossip in the upper echelons of society, dresses and dances.


Vikings: Valhalla (T1) – February 25

Didn’t you have enough with six seasons of ‘Vikings’? Don’t worry, as long as there is interest, there will be stories to tell. Now we move 100 years later but the truth is that the world of the series is very similar, betrayals, passion, spectacular wars and an epic historical recreation.


Who is Anna? – February 11th

Both Julia Garner, protagonist, and Shonda Rhimes, creator, have proven to be names capable of justifying a series on their own. Here, united, the result is clear. If we add a story as real as it is incredible and that the miniseries format promises us a closed ending in a short time, we have one of the essentials of the year on the platform.


We Are Dead (T1) – January 28

What is missing from ‘Elite’ or ‘Euphoria’? Zombies of course. With a zombie infection that breaks out in a high school, this series has come to Netflix to remind us that not only ‘The Squid Game’ has come from Korea, but also ‘Train to Busan’.


Fair: The Darkest Light (T1) – January 28

As for national fiction, the series that has entered with more force since the end of ‘La casa de papel’ on the platform is ‘Fair: the darkest light’. The oppressive environment of a small Andalusian town is the ideal setting for this supernatural story about two teenagers and their parents’ secret.


After Life (S3) – January 14

Ricky Gervais is one of those creators that you always have to pay attention to. With ‘After Life’, the comedian has moved more and better than ever in dark terrain, looking for a smile and a pat of encouragement in the midst of despair. It seems that he has already reached his end, but we will talk about her for years.


File 81 (T1) – January 14

Terror is always a safe value to choose a series on Netflix with which to binge-watch and its latest great international success has been this kind of reinvented ‘Thesis’.


Cobra Kai (S4) – December 31

The very, very late sequel to ‘Karate Kid’ began as a small internet project and continues its course, already becoming one of the most beloved by the audience of the almighty Netflix. The universe of Miyagi’s disciples and rivals still has a lot to say.


The Witcher (T2) – December 17

The Witcher‘ has begun to become in its second season the series that we all wanted it to be when it debuted in a somewhat seedy and confusing way in 2019. Geralt’s series, Ciri Yennefer is going and will go better and better, becoming the flagship of the fantasy on Netflix for which it is intended.


The paper house (S5P2) – December 3

The most successful Spanish fiction of all time has shaken the entire globe at the hands of Netflix throughout each season. Until its Korean version or the spin-off arrives, we only have to discover if there is still someone who has not seen all the adventures of the band of the Dalis.


The assistant – October 1

Often referred to as last year’s ‘Queen’s Gambit’, this equally successful mini-series on Netflix has a more realistic and social feel to it than its chess-playing companion. Here we have the struggle, openly based on a true story, of a young mother to get out of a situation of poverty and abuse in the face of a world and a system that does not stop wanting to throw her down. An inspiring, sad and beautiful account in which a huge Margaret Qualley stands out.


The Squid Game (S1) – September 17

Netflix won the jackpot with its commitment to this Korean fiction halfway between ‘Battle Royale’ and ‘Yellow Humor’ that shattered all world television records. How could it be otherwise, its success changed the initial plans, directing it to a second season that is already on the way.