Best Movies of All Time
Any of the top lists that rank the best movies of all time? like the one of the American Film Institute "100 years, 100 movies" of the year 1998? has ordered the names of thousands of films to agree...
Transformers Movies
The first chapter of the Transformers animated series was broadcast in September 1984 and the world was never the same again, millions of children were hooked on the story of alien robots that turned into cars to protect their...
Mark Wahlberg Movies
Mark Wahlberg's Best Movies . Born in Massachusetts in 1971, his last name was already shining in the artistic world since he is the brother of Donnie Wahlberg, one of the members of the boyband New Kids on the...
Sex Movies
For a long time it seems that the most commercial cinema has an allergy to nudes. In the United States, it is synonymous with limiting their commercial career, but in the rest of the world they are less fussy...
Batman Movies
The recent premiere of 'The Batman' has brought the legendary DC superhero back to the big screen . A character who had already enjoyed several previous incarnations in live action, but there are many who have been so delighted...
Funny Movies
As an absolutely paramount genre no longer in film history but directly in human creation, comedy has shaped some of the greatest hits and fads of 21st century cinema , and has helped define many of its greatest stars...
Twilight movies in order
How to watch all the Twilight movies in chronological order ? Based on Stephenie Meyer's best-selling novel, several franchises have rocked the world like one supernatural love movie: The Twilight Saga . From the shirtless werewolf to the blinking...
Will Smith Movies
Will Smith's best films show the versatility of an actor who has been loved by the public for the last three decades, whether it was in comedy thanks to...
Tom Hanks Movies
We are in luck. Today Tom Hanks (Concord, California, July 9, 1956) is 66 years old. In an interview with Oprah Winfrey twenty years ago, the beloved actor offered the best explanation yet of the actor's magnetism, why he...
Tom Cruise Movies
With Tom Cruise movies it's a bit like Keanu Reeves movies: there's a Keany for every mood just like there's a Tom Cruise for each of us. And by the same token, it's virtually impossible for two fans to...
How to write a short story: tips to achieve it
It is possible that, when we hear the word "story", you usually think of children, childish. But in reality, a story does not have...