Have you ever read a book that has changed your life forever? What has changed your way of thinking, your scale of values ​​and has revolutionized your existence?

Believe it or not, books have this power. Depending on many factors such as your income level, personal beliefs and tastes, a book can open your mind to new possibilities or go unnoticed.

Whether you’re looking for a new awakening or just some interesting new reading to spend your afternoons, we bring you 10 books that have the potential to change your life .

The art of not embittering life

  • Author : Rafael Santandreu
  • Number of pages : 368
  • ISBM: 978-8425355868
  • Edition year : 2018

The psychologist Rafael Santandreu proposes a clear, precise and practical method to change the way we think, reduce unhappiness and stop making our lives bitter.

For Santandreu, you cause most of the bitter moments in your life by the way you talk to yourself. It is likely that you worry excessively about future events that may never occur, ending up suffering or disappointed.

To be happy even on the worst days you only need food, drink and a roof. It does not mean that you should resign yourself, just that you should stop trying to control what you cannot change and make an effort to change what you can.

In a book that is very different from those typical motivational works, with a more professional and technical approach (which does not mean that the reading is heavy), Rafael Santandreu teaches you to be kinder to yourself , to stop seeking approval or liking from others, to set impossible goals and much more.

Learn to be a healthier, more emotionally stable and happier person.

Into wild routes

  • Author : Jon Krakauer
  • Number of pages : 288
  • ISBM: 978-8498721621
  • Edition year : 2009

Into the Wild is the true story of Christopher McCandless , a 24-year-old boy who, after graduating from college, pressured by his parents, decides to embark on an adventure to Alaska and live in harmony with nature.

Leaving behind his family, a wealthy position and a promising career, Christopher fulfilled the dream he had since his childhood, which is that he had a great traveling spirit from an early age.

In this book that served as inspiration for the film Into the Wild , written and directed by Sean Penn, author Jon Krakauer reconstructs everything Chris lived through, the places he went through, and the thoughts that ran through his mind at those moments.

All this is possible thanks to the fact that Chris kept a travel diary in which he recorded his experiences in the third person: what he hunted, where he slept, what he thought and the like.

If you like to travel or have the illusion of traveling throughout Europe and other parts of the world as a backpacker, you have to read Towards wild routes. It is a story with a great background that leaves many reflections.

Anna Karenina

  • Author : Leo Tolstoy
  • Number of pages : 648
  • ISBM: 978-8415618881
  • Edition year : 2019

Anna Karenina is one of the great titles of universal literature , written by one of its greatest exponents, Lev Tolstoy. Along with War and Peace , it is one of the works that represents the pinnacle of the author and Russian realism.

Anna Karenina is a woman who is part of the Russian high society of the 19th century and is married to an official. However, thanks to the visit that she makes to Moscow with the intention of avoiding the divorce of her sister with her husband, she meets Vronsky, a member of the militia, and falls in love with him.

When Anna returns to Saint Petersburg, Vronsky pursues her to spend more time with her. Karenina will soon have to decide whether to follow her heart or stay true to her husband.

A novel of romance, love, jealousy and a social criticism by Tolstoy on the society of the time.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this work can change your life. We are facing one of the best works of literature ever written in history.

Vagabonding: The art of traveling the world

  • Autor: Rolf Potts
  • Number of pages : 234
  • ISBM: 978-8415355267
  • Edition year : 2013

Vagabonding: The Art of Traveling the World is a book that teaches you that it is possible to have a life full of travel and that you can go on the adventure you’ve always wanted at any time in your life.

With a jovial and cheerful language, Rolf Potts teaches what you have to do if you want to spend your life traveling, beginning by dethroning some of the most entrenched conceptions of tourism.

To begin with, you do not need to stay in luxury hotels, eat in the best restaurants or fill your suitcase with souvenirs to give to family and friends. You don’t really need any of this, just enjoying the experience and getting to know incredible places is enough.

Another of those myths about traveling is the ideal time to do it. There is no ideal time to travel . If you think about it, you will always have responsibilities, obligations and things to do. If traveling is not a priority, there will always be something more important to do.

Vagabonding is a stimulating book that can awaken in you the desire to leave everything for a while and see the world. If you like to travel or have thought about doing so, you have to read it.

It’s easy to quit smoking, if you know how

  • Author : Allen Carr
  • Number of pages : 248
  • ISBM: 978-8467052930
  • Edition year : 2018

Every year, millions of people try to quit smoking and millions fail to do so. Why does this happen? Why is it so hard to quit smoking?

That is one of the problems that Allen Carr solves with his book Quitting Smoking is Easy, If You Know How . At just 18 years old, he became a chain smoker, sometimes consuming more than 100 cigarettes in a single day . At almost 50 years of age, he attended a hypnosis session convinced by his wife.

Two hours later, Allen made the decision to quit smoking. He later wrote this book, which became the best guide in the world to end this addiction.

With his Easyway method , Allen shows your addiction from a new perspective, understanding its origin, eliminating the reasons that make you smoke and quitting completely.

If you smoke regularly , it is easy to quit, if you know how it will change your life completely.

The Elegance of the Hedgehog

  • Autor: Muriel Barbery
  • Number of pages : 368
  • ISBM: 978-8432237669
  • Edition year : 2021

First published in 2006, The Elegance of the Hedgehog tells of the hidden life of two residents of a bourgeois building in Paris.

Renee, who works as the building’s concierge, hides behind a facade an extremely intelligent and cultured woman. Paloma, a resident of the property, a 12-year-old girl, is the daughter of a very rich family and has incredible intelligence.

As different as their realities are, both lead lonely lives as they strive to overcome hopelessness. Everything will change when a new tenant will make their paths cross.

A great work (Muriel Barber’s best) full of reflections on love, death, sex, education, language and many others. A beautiful novel that will make you think, move, have fun and love.

The War of Art: Break the barriers and win your Creative Battles

  • Author : Steven Pressfield
  • Number of pages : 182
  • ISBM: 978-1936891160
  • Edition year : 2013

If the name Steven Pressfield sounds familiar to you, it’s probably due to his famous golf novel The Legend of Bagger Vance , which had a film adaptation in 2000 starring Matt Damon and Will Smith.

The book that we bring you today is the first non-fiction that the author has written. The War of Art is a book that you cannot miss if you are engaged in any creative activity . Whether it’s painting, writing, programming, designing, sculpting… this work will teach you to overcome the problems that a creative goes through every day.

The book consists of three parts: the first talks about the common enemy that all creatives have, the Resistance; in the second it teaches you how to combat and defeat it; and in the third he talks about the elements that are part of the creative process.

In short, if you dedicate yourself to an activity or a job that involves a creative effort, you cannot pass up this book. It will help you overcome those “creative crises” that affect us all from time to time.

The four Agreements

  • Author : Miguel Ruiz
  • Number of pages : 160
  • ISBM: 978-8479532536
  • Edition year : 1998

The four agreements is one of the best works of self-improvement that exist in Spanish, as well as the multiple languages ​​into which it has been translated.

The author, Miguel Ruiz, a descendant of the nagual lineage of the Eagle Warriors of Mexico, an ancient nation made up of scientists and artists , shares the ancestral wisdom passed down from generation to generation by his people.

This wisdom consists of basic principles that can help you be happy, let go of the stress and worries of daily life. There are four principles or dogmas:

  1. Be impeccable with your words.
  2. Don’t take anything personally.
  3. Don’t make assumptions.
  4. Always do the best you can.

With the application of these four principles, you can achieve a great level of tranquility and prosperity in your life.

The Four Agreements is an excellent self-help book that has the power to change your life if you apply what you have learned.

The 5 Languages ​​of Love. The Secret of Love that Lasts

  • Autor: Gary Chapman
  • Number of pages : 205
  • ISBM: 978-0789923738
  • Edition year : 2017

Love is universal, but just as there are many different languages ​​around the world, love can be expressed in many different ways .

Thus, as the philosopher and writer Gary Chapman argues, people have different ways of expressing what they feel.

It can be through physical contact, giving and receiving gifts from the person you love, spending quality time together, using words of affirmation, and performing acts of service like preparing a meal or having an unexpected special gift.

These five love languages ​​are part of a whole and it is important to know them if you want to communicate well with your partner.

If you have or have had communication problems with your partner, this book will teach you the language differences that may exist between the two of you to improve your communication and be happier.

The peaceful Warrior

  • Author : Dan Millman
  • Number of pages : 282
  • ISBM: 978-8478083695
  • Edition year : 2017

Dan is a boy who seems to have a perfect life full of successes in love, friendship, his studies and his sports career, except for one small detail: he is not happy.

Until one day, an unfortunate (or not so unfortunate?) motorcycle accident will force him to grow as a person and find the true meaning of his life.

Based on true events, it inspired the film released in 2006 with the same name and directed by Victor Salva. It is a book that can literally teach you how to live. Because we are all warriors who go through obstacles and difficulties in life that, although we do not understand them at first, can help us to be better people.