Fortunately, HBO announced this renewal weeks ago . I say this not only because in its first season it has left some plots waiting for resolution, because it has opened others or because the final music video lends itself to all interpretations, I say it because we need more Euphoria in our lives.

Since the premiere of the Sam Levinson series we have been praising his ability to surprise, the way he knows how to exploit the audiovisual narrative and the construction of his characters, but the best thing is that the proposal has not been diluted at any time . Nor in its last episode, which, like the previous ones, maintains the structure: a montage of several minutes at the beginning ( cold open ) that gives way to the choral portrait of its protagonists, mixing everyone’s points of view while the montage plays with a presentation non-linear of stories.

Euphoria tells us about many things through the experiences of its protagonists, but what they all have in common is their need for control. They need to know that they can control something , whether it’s their emotions, what others think of them, their impulses, or their bodies; although, when we see the results of their effort, everything seems ironic.The challenge of the puzzle of this season finale is in the interpretation that we choose for the last 10 minutes of the episode; ever since the train Jules was traveling on left. And the magic of it is that, whatever the reading we do, the cards will always fit, even if the resulting image is different. But before we get there, let’s discuss where we leave the rest of the characters.

To that night of the dance, which is always so important in high school fiction, our protagonists arrive with total self-awareness. Perhaps a little disappointed, because they had visualized themselves in other situations, but capable of expressing that they are still people in formation, that their dreams have not come to an end, because they have not even dreamed of them yet . And, for sorority, that ideal table with the six friends (that’s where I want to sit) and not Big Little Lies .

Kat has been honest with herself and with Ethan; she has come to realize that her attitude of apparent security with her sex was just a way of escaping her insecurities: being hurt . The two of them left us the most beautiful moment of the night.

Cassie decided to have an abortion, with the support of her mother and sister (remember that this right is in danger in the United States), in one of the three musical montages of the episode, with images of ice skating and the appropriate song My Body is to Cage from Arcade Fire which could really apply to all characters. And she decided to be alone.

Maddy finally said out loud, and to Nate, that their relationship was abusive, that he has psychopathic tendencies, and most importantly, that she doesn’t like the way he makes her feel . In the toxic relationship that she has with herself, there is still much to explore, but it is a good first step. Although Cal may have had some influence, however small, with what she said to him on the stairs. We’ll have to wait for the next season to find out what he decides to do with the CD and the information on it.Jacob Elordi is Nate Jacobs. (Source: HBO)

Nate has been the great villain of the season. We understand where all that inner fury comes from, the need to control him, that sexual repression and that misunderstood masculinity in conflict with his own identity . We understand, but since his scenes have been so difficult to watch, it is wrong to say, as Rue herself said, that the fantasy of ending him has all been ours. Perhaps not so explicitly, of course. He is a really complex character. The scene in which he tries to confront his father to end up dominated on the ground and hurting himself was painful. How good was Jacob Elordi.

We left Fez in a complicated situation. The nerves made him behave very violently with a man in front of his young son’s eyes and Mouse was waiting for him at home. We were left wondering what happens from there and we didn’t see if Ashtray was okay.

We have been left wanting to know much more about Lexi, because she has been the person who has taken care of them all at some point. She has grown up in the shadow of her sister and has yet to explore her own sexual identity, which ranges from asexuality to Rue, going anywhere on the broad spectrum; we need to protect her from all her ills. Sure, we all said we wanted to see the spin-off (T)Rue Detective , starring Howard and Bennet , but it was funny until we understood that it was a manic outbreak of Rue; it didn’t seem so funny there.Lastly, Jules and Rue. A magical relationship, connection at first sight. Jules’ company has been good for Rue but, as Ali said, she was also in danger of becoming a dangerous substitute for the drug’s effect: a relationship of dependency. Jules loves Rue, but he has always felt pressured by the responsibility her influence is placed on her sobriety. Normal.

Jules owes it to Rue that she no longer needed male validation for the affirmation of her femininity. Thanks to Rue, she met Anna and opened the door to other experiences , but as much as we love seeing them together, Jules is not what Rue needs right now. That was demonstrated when he did not give importance to the fact that he had left his medication at home

And this brings us to the end.