The popular magazine modifies the list from nine years ago and names the Ramones’ self-titled debut as the best debut, followed by The Notorious BIG’s “Ready to Die”.
Lists are always fun. Of course, they will never be definitive, but they give rise to endless debates and force us to get out of the social democratic position of «I like all music» or «I can’t choose a favorite artist». This attitude denotes the weakness of positions, an equidistance in which we settle comfortably but, deep down, we know that it is nothing more than laziness: it is enough to question oneself seriously to take sides. Sometimes others take it upon ourselves to ask the awkward question and give the even more awkward answers. On this occasion it is the magazine «Rolling Stone» who raises one of the big questions: What is the best debut album in history?
For the magazine, the best irruption of a group on the music scene was that of The Ramones in 1976, the work that delivered the alphabet of punk rock, the Rosetta stone of a unique philosophy of life, aesthetics and sound. Monuments of popular culture such as “Blitzkrieg Bop”, “Beat on The Brat”, “Judy Is a Punk” or “Havana Affair” which, according to the magazine, “arise from the alienation, isolation and frustration” of a group of young New Yorkers that cost 6,000 dollars and that barely lasts 29 minutes. As it did with its list of the best albums in history, the American magazine has corrected its previous choices. Nine years ago, number one on this list was “Licensed to Ill”, by the also New York Beastie Boys (these from Brooklyn, the Ramones, from Queens) a work punished by this new canon, which places it in position 48, for behind debuts by Olivia Rodrigo or Cardi B among the most striking.

Cover of the Ramones debut album, 1976.
The list of the best albums by a debutant is continued by The Notorious BIG’s “Ready to Die” (1994), followed by “The Velvet Underground And Nico” (1967), “Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)” (1993 ), Patti Smith ‘s “Horses” (1975), The Jimi Hendrix Experience’s “Are You Experienced” (1967) and the most recent top ten hit, “When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?” , by Billie Eilish (2019), in seventh place. They complete the positions up to the ten “Appetite for Destruction”, by Guns N’ Roses(1987); “The Clash” (1979) and the more unknown “Exile in Guyville”, by Liz Phair (1993). It is striking that you have to look for “Music From Big Pink”, by The Band (1968) in position 14, reach up to 18 to find “Is This It” by The Strokes (2001) or 19 for “Unknown Pleasures”. », from Joy Division, (1979). Thus, Cardi B ‘s “Invasion of Privacy” (2018) is ahead of The Beatles ‘ debut album , “Please, please me” (1963) and the historic “Never Mind the Bollocks, Here’s the Sex Pistols ” by ( 1977).
As we move up the list and recent albums appear, such as “X 100pre”, by Bad Bunny (2018), more controversial situations arise, such as seeing Portishead with “Dummy” (1994) at 45 and at 47 to the self-titled debut of “The Doors” (1967). In the same way, “The Last Don”, by Don Omar (2003) appears ahead of the debut of the Stooges and the homonymous Rage Against The Machine (1992). Much further down, in position 65, appears “Definitely Maybe”, the first work of Oasis. A large number of famous albums in recent decades have been relegated to the second half of the hundred. Thus, in 1967, there is “Grace” by Jeff Buckley, and in 1970, “Psychocandy” by The Jesus & Mary Chain , just before “Ten” by Pearl Jam and the first album by “ LCD Soundsystem ”. In ’79, the start of The Smiths ‘ career and in ’82 and ’83, Weezer and “Kill’Em All”, by Metallica (1983). Closing the list is “Funeral” by Arcade Fire , at 94, “The Fame”, by Lady Gaga (2008) at 95, and at 97 “Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not”, by Arctic Monkeys (2006).